Thursday 23 June 2011

  If there's still humans alive in 2 or 3 hundred years, I think Gary Snyder will be looked upon as the 20th century's greatest nature poet...first came across him in, of course, Kerouac's "Dharma Bums"...fuck did he ever influence my little life after that: the next summer holidays, still 16 years old, I scored a job in the local Forest Service...measuring trees for fuck's sake...walking for perhaps an hour through Gwavas State forest to a place where we would measure 100 trees, up & down & girthwise...then trudge off to the next immersion in nature...weekends would sometimes stay in one of the fire towers...even more about "remote access".
  About the same time I saved up cash to buy US $s, sent an order to Mr. Ferlinghetti's City Light Books in San Francisco, & received a beerbox of Beat literature about 10 weeks later.."Pictures of the Gone World" a broadsheet of Kerouac's pome "Rimbaud", facsimile of Ginsberg's "Planet News"...all stunning...but, most importantly Gary Snyder's "Riprap & Cold Mountain Poems" a volume that has informed my poetical sensibility ever since.
  Now, after all these years, I'm still a great fan of the guy...lately scored a copy of the Gary Snyder Reader along with  the Snyder/Ginsberg Selected Letters... also found Snyder's "Passage through India" in my local Library ...& my admiration continues to surge. Tat tvam asi, dudes

Saturday 18 June 2011

  Have been watching the 2nd series of "Californication" : what a fucking hoot. It's great being able to watch a whole series over a few days...neat show, fine music, great acting...tush to die for...
  Just about to record the stems for a new track... should have it up on Soundcloud before tooo looong, y''s been cool finding out how to sequence sounds from my Theramin...turns it into a right chirpy little bastard ! Really handy. Good for weird drones as envelopes needed...hint, hint.
  Just into the last third of the trilogy of T. Jefferson Parker's Border Wars: went right off him for about 10 yrs, but his last 4 or 5 books I have liked a lot....check out "California Girl"...a paean to all the girls we fucked over in the 70s; nice stuff.
  Christchurch...Chernobyl by earthquake eh?
                                              Om Shantih, mein Herren und Damen.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Vlad the impaler...

  New ep just excellent....quite new sound, only a snatch of signature bass in the 2nd track (Korpi)...loved the Villalobos/Loderbauer rmx of Latoma...but worried about the review @ Boomkat...a few pure sine waves & they think you're hanging out in Delia Derbyshire's for the so-called "jazz influences", I think the guy just wanted you to know that he knows what they've been up to of late (ECM etc).
  Also blew a weekend bus fare into CBD on the new Burial ep...really, really liked the last track called "Stolen Dog".
  Found a "new" thriller writer that I'd had on hold for years...John Harvey...a trilogy of "Flesh & Blood", "Ash & Bone", "Darkness & Light" writer, great stories, excellent characters.
  Got the washing out on the porch in the gorgeous Auckland breeze....

Monday 13 June 2011

So, this is my place in space...hope it won't turn into a nasty collection of rants...JohnKey will just have to behave himself eh?...and start voting Labour. Just off to Boomkat to buy the new Vladislav Delay EP...and then a visit to the original ClubMed for a while...OM SHANTIH to that!